Cambridge Primary Physical Education

The curriculum should include physical education as a necessary component. There is mounting evidence that regular exercise enhances both physical and mental health as well as academic achievement across the curriculum. Developing appropriate exercise habits in elementary school lays the groundwork for a lifestyle that is active and healthful for the students.

What will Students Learn?

The focus of this lesson is on learning to move and moving to learn. Through a wide range of age-appropriate physical activities, such as games, gymnastics, and dance, learners gain skills. Both as individuals and as a team, they'll:

  • Gain self-assurance, move with more control, fluency, and diversity.
  • The ability to comprehend concepts, laws, rules, tactics, techniques, and compositional ideas.
  • Participate in an appropriate and safe manner, being respectful and responsible.
  • Increase awareness and comprehension of the role that physical education may play in promoting a fit and active lifestyle.
  • Gain transferable skills that support social, cognitive, and physical growth and learn to move and think independently, critically, and reflectively.

How Is The Programme Taught?

This subject is taught using a wide variety of assignments, difficulties, and physical activities. For each learning level, it contains cooperative, competitive, athletic, adventurous, and health-related scenarios.
For as much of each class as possible, students will be on their feet, participating in activities that will help them build their self-confidence, self-esteem, cognitive skills, and social skills.

The curriculum is meant to supplement coaching in individual sports or physical activities, not to replace it.



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